Collective subject discourses

Situation 2


I would say that actually we all have disabilities in specific areas. Sometimes a student is unable to understand a certain content and is ashamed to ask, and so becomes disabled in the subject. I would say that there are no disabilities, but special ways and conditions of learning and that Bruna is a different student, though as normal as anyone else. We have the same learning objectives and her performance would certainly be better than normal. We are equal in this classroom. We will treat others as we would wish to be treated. We are all different, some are brown-skinned, others white, and each one has their importance.


I would stop the lesson and make it clear that the fact that Bruna has difficulties and limitations does not mean she is incapable. I would first ask Carla what disability is and then what she means by disturbing the class. I would then demonstrate how much it hurts to be labeled. I would take opportunity to ask everyone to collaborate and welcome Bruno with affection, regardless of her needs. Each person in the world is different from the others, each one has qualities and needs that must be recognized by classmates. Each human being has their peculiarities and individualities and these must be respected, valuing intellectual and physical development and many other things and I do not accept prejudice from intelligent people. I would also say that she is a special child, not a disabled one and that when she does something wrong they should guide her towards doing it right (teaching).


I would say that we have to respect the differences of others and learn how to live with them, for nobody is the same as another, and that maybe she can help us and that being together enriches the group. I would also try to place the student with other

students in dynamics where the priority is socialization and inclusion. I would draw attention to the role of each one in society in general, highlighting the importance of diversity, because we can always learn from and help each other. I would remind them that every human being, disabled or not, has their limitations and that differences should not be a barrier to coexistence, but a way of learning more from others, often putting yourself in their position.


I would clarify her disability, or rather, limitation in doing some things that we do more easily, that she has special needs. That despite her handicaps, she has the same rights as her classmates and she is not to blame for coming into the world as she did. But I also agree a little with Carla because this government is making everyone study together, but these children don’t even know how to use the bathroom, in some cases. It’s not that I’m against inclusion, but some of these can’t keep up and also their problems do disturb the class a little.


I would tell the class that Bruna had every right to attend or visit the school and to have everyone’s respect, without prejudice and I would say that she had a lot to contribute to make them better people. I would speak for equality in a school context, and would say that the limitations of her disability did not stop her from learning or rob her of the right to live in a community.

Finally, I would say that discrimination is a crime, punishable by law, and that it was highly likely that Carla also disturbed lessons now and again, and that she had no right to speak about anyone else.